customary sip

My love affair with coffee started when I was very young. I cannot recollect enjoying any other drink than coffee. When someone says that they do not drink coffee all I can say is ‘Pity them, they know not what they miss’.

As a youngster my most enjoyable moments were sitting near a window with a book in my left hand and a coffee in my right. Also add a dash of melodious music playing on a radio near me. Is it not a perfect moment of bliss?

Even after marriage, kids and hectic work my love towards coffee did not diminish. Actually I stole time in the early mornings to have one exhilarating coffee. The memory of me sitting on the steps of my house with a freshly brewed coffee in my favourite mug is still fresh in my thoughts. Instead of music there used to be the chirping of birds. It was my time and my space. This one coffee gave me a push to face the mad rush of the remaining day.

I took up a job at a later stage in life. Not to mention the other coffee lovers became my best colleagues. This common bond made us work together for long hours without any complaints. On the contrary we enjoyed working like that with passion and coffee.

Anyone with a little bit of imagination could tell that my most favourite joint was a coffee shop. From India Coffee House to Cafe Coffee Day, Barista and any coffee shop that boasts of fresh coffee was on my list of favourite things. I had some wonderful meetings taking place at these shops. One such meeting that I can never forget was with a student of mine. It made me think a lot about my work  He met me incidentally at a coffee shop when I was with a friend of mine. He asked me about my job and was pretty disappointed when I said I was looking after the administration of a school and also taught occasionally. He said, “No, no, you should be a full time teacher. Do not give up teaching.” Even before leaving he said, “Mam I am not convinced. I still feel you should remain a teacher. I can never forget what you taught us.” In my moments of joy and despair at work I keep remembering him and his words.

There were many changes in life. Slowly we shifted from filter coffee to instant coffee. This was inevitable with everyone having a busy schedule and running to different corners of the city. The family of five has become six now with the inclusion of my daughter by choice, that is my eldest son’s wife. She also shares our common love for coffee. The family members are living in different cities now. Whenever we come together we bring back those happy moments with….. you are right with a cup of coffee.

Over the years an important development took place. I do not prepare coffee anymore. Instead my life partner makes it for me and others, when they are with us. He wakes me up with a cup of hot coffee, every morning. Recently I stopped having coffee due to health reasons but I definitely have the customary sip to start my day.

4 thoughts on “customary sip

  1. Nostalgia is like watching a good movie time and again. Can one sip of coffee trigger so much?
    P.s. thanks for the recognition.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your writing seems to get better with every post ma. The description is so very vivid. Very well expressed.

      Look forward to the next cup of coffee 🙂


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